Sunday, 10 April 2016

Market's Pascal and Fibonacci math

Is Market Price movement based upon Pascal’s Triangle???

Can we find the Fibonacci Numbers in Pascal's Triangle?Yes! The answer lies in the diagonals in the triangle.

Why do the Diagonals sum to Fibonacci numbers?

Fibonacci's Rabbit Generations and Pascal's Triangle

Here's another explanation of how the Pascal triangle numbers sum to give the Fibonacci numbers, this time explained in terms of our original rabbit problem.

Let's return to Fibonacci's rabbit problem and look at it another way. We shall be returning to it several more times yet in these pages - and each time we will discover something different!

We shall make a family tree of the rabbits but this time we shall be interested only in the females and ignore any males in the population. If you like, in the diagram of the rabbit pairs shown here, assume that the rabbit on the left of each pair is male (say) and so the other is female. Now ignore the rabbit on the left in each pair!

We will assume that each mating produces exactly one female and perhaps some males too but we only show the females in the diagram on the left. Also in the diagram on the left we see that each individual rabbit appears several times. For instance, the original brown female was mated with a while male and, since they never die, they both appear once on every line.

Now, in our new family tree diagram, each female rabbit will appear only once. As more rabbits are born, so the Family tree grows adding a new entry for each newly born female.

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